

The family of bear only contains eight species, including some of the largest land living carnivores on Earth. The group also includes the bamboo- eating giant panda, which is one of the rarest and most endangered animals in the world. Bears do attack people, but they are not as aggressive as most people think. Most bears avoid contact with people and will only attack when startled or if they have cubs. Polar bears, perhaps the most dangerous species, will only attack in extreme hunger. Most peoples, who live near polar bears, carry guns. Bears are considered to be ferocious predators, but only the polar bear is particularly carnivorous, hunting seals, young walrus and young beluga whales. Most bears eat a wide range of food like berries and nuts in plentiful supply, as well as buds, leaves and tubers. The giant panda is unusual in that it feeds almost exclusively on bamboo. Bears eat meat, fish and other animal food whenever the opportunity arises like brown bears will happily eat prey as diverse as salmon and squirrels, while the Sun bear often breaks open termite mounds, using its long tongue to lick up the insect inhabitants.

Bears are found in many different places around the world. Most species live in temperate forests in the Northern Hemisphere, but polar bears are equally at home on the Arctic ice pack, while sloth bears soak up the sun in the warm, tropical forests of Southern Asia. Most bears live near water for drinking and for food such as fish and shellfish. In the northern most parts of their range, many bears hibernate over the cold winter months, although this depends on how harsh the winter is and how much food is available. The bears usually rest in a cave, or tree hollow, lowering their body temperature and heart rate to save energy until the spring arrives and food becomes more plentiful.

Name of Eight Bear Species are:-
1. Brown Bear,
2. American Black Bear,
3. Spectacled Bear,
4. Sloth Bear,
5. Sun Bear,
6. Asian Black Bear,
7. Polar Bear, and
8. Giant Pandas.

Brown Bear
Live in the Northern hemisphere, from North America across to Northern Europe and Asia. These bears will eat almost anything they find, and love to fish for salmon, catching them as they migrate up rivers to breed.

American Black Bear
Live in forests across North America. These bears are good climbers and use trees to escape from danger. There are more black bears on Earth than all the bear species put together. Their success is probably due to their opportunistic feeding habits. They can eat everything from fruit, fish and insects to young mammals such as deer.

Spectacled Bear
They are found in South America and take their name from the pole fur that surrounds their eyes.

Sloth Bear
They are a smaller species that live in the forests of southern Asia. These mammals love to feed on ants, termites and other insects, but they also eat honey as well as berries and fruit during the growing season.

Sun Bear
They live in the tropical forests of south-east Asia. Sun bears are the smallest species and feed and sleep in the treetops.

Asian Black Bear
These bears are the Asian cousins of American black bears. They are good climbers and usually spend the day resting in the trees, emerging at night to eat food such as fruit, honey, insects and other invertebrates.

Polar Bear
They are the largest bear species. These animals are well adapted for their Arctic environment with dense fur and a thick layer of blubber to insulate them from the cold. Their main source of food is seals and other marine mammals.

Giant Pandas
They are instantly recognizable with their distinctive black and white fur. These bears live in the bamboo forests of eastern and central China, where they feed on the tough bamboo shoots. Adults need to eat a huge amount of bamboo every day up to 40 kg (88 lb.) to stay fit and healthy.

Unfortunately, farmers are clearing the bamboo forests to make way for agricultural land. Poachers are also killing Pandas for their fur and traditional Chinese medicines. As a result, there are fewer Pandas are left in the wild and the species may soon become extinct.

3. Images are taken from Zoo-Que and Google.

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Don`t Kill Creatures of Nature, You have No Right to Do That
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  1. Wonderful pictures of different types of bears and this is interesting information about it. Thanks. I saw grizzly bears during my alaska bear tours and it was a great experience.

  2. Wonderful pictures of different types of bears and this is interesting information about it. Thanks. I saw grizzly bears during my alaska bear tours and it was a great experience.


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