Birds like mammals are an evolutionary offshoot from the
reptiles. They still share a number of reptilian characteristics, such as
scales and a lack of true teeth, but they differ from reptiles in particular
ways also. Birds make up an extremely successful class of animals known as
Aves. Their success can be measured both in numbers of species and the wide
range of habitats they have made their home. They can be found anywhere from
the equator to the polar regions, from lowlands to mountain tops, on land and
on water, underwater, underground, on cliff faces, in caves and in cities. Most
species live in woodland or grassland of some kind, but deserts, coastlines and
islands are also having to birds, among other places. There are few places
where birds are not found at all at some time of the year. For many birds their
ability to fly is the secret to their success. It enables them to migrate over
the globe to find the best availability of food. In fact, those that can`t fly
often migrate to some extent too. The importance of migration is that birds can
time their reproduction to suit food abundance and give their offspring a good chance
of survival into adulthood.
All birds reproduce by laying eggs, which are usually laid in a
nest of some kind. Unlike mammals, female birds are not dis-advantaged by
pregnancy and both sexes typically share the workload in terms of incubating
the eggs and feeding, protecting and teaching young. Overall this allows for a
high rate of reproductive success, so that bird populations can be relatively
high. This means that species can afford to lose many individuals to predation,
starvation, disease and weather without long- term risk to the species
survival. When it comes to food, different birds have adapted to eat most
things. There are leaf and grass eaters, fruit caters, seed and nut eaters,
nectar eaters, insect eaters, invertebrate eaters, fish eaters, amphibian
eaters, reptile eaters, bird eaters and mammal eaters. Then there are those
somewhere in between, the scavengers, opportunists and omnivores, happy to
consume a variety of foodstuffs, including rotting flesh and refuse discarded
by people.
Also See
• Parrots
• Bats
• Bears
• Birds
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