
Parrots belong to the Psittaciforme order. They come in a range of sizes and live in different forests around the world, they have specialized in eating the seeds and nuts of different plants. They will also eat fruit, buds, shoots and insects. Many species have brightly coloured plumage and are intelligent enough to mimic the human voice, making them very popular pets. They also form close bonds with people because most species are social birds.

There have been many escapes of captive parrot species in places where they are not indigenous. In some places they have consequently become introduced and established populations. The classic example is the rose – ringed or ring- necked parakeet (Psittacula Krameri). This species, which originates from central Africa and India, has managed to survive in several European cities, including Barcelona and London. The reason for its success is its ability to feed on human handouts of bread, cake and fruit. Also, city parks tend to have large trees with suitable hollows for nesting and few predators. In addition, people favour them over pigeons and Sparrows because they are pretty, even if they are rather raucous and noisy.
Psittacula Krameri
The macaws are the most striking parrots, as they are large and very brightly coloured, with blues, reds, yellows and greens. Species from the Ara genus are those most often seen in zoos and private collections. They include the blue and yellow (Ara ararauna), the scarlet (Ara macao) and the military (Ara militaris). They are so closely related that it is possible to crossbreed hybrid specimens with a spectrum of color variations.


Although most parrots live in forests, there are a few exceptions to the rule. In Australia, a number of species have adapted to life in the outback, which is a mixture of scrub, eucalyptus forest and desert. They include the sulphur- crested cockatoo (cacatua galerita) and the wild budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus). 

Cacatua galerita

Melopsittacus undulatus
In New Zealand, there are species adapted to mountainous terrain. One species is the kea (Nestor notabilis). Another is the very unlikely owl parrot or kakapo (strigops habroptila), which is flightless, nocturnal and lives in a burrow. Today, many parrot species have become extinct from islands in the South Pacific Ocean and from other terrestrials of the World. This is happening, because they had evolved to live in relatively small pockets of habitat, but arrival of modernization, results decease the quantity of forests and trees. Try to plant more and more trees and save your beautiful nature.
Strigops habroptila

3. Images are taken from Zoo-Que and Google.

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  1. I love parrots.

  2. Can you write an article on species of parrots.?

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