Butterfly, Bees and Ants

Butterflies, Bees and Ants

I always telling that, Nature is very beautiful, more than our imagination. Now, I tell you three types of natural creatures that are too common in our daily life and beautiful. Let`s read...

Butterflies and moths form a large group of around 1,70,000 species. Butterflies are some of the most striking insects, with bright wings covered in colourful scales. However, most of the members of this group are the moths, which are usually active at night. Butterflies and moths both develop through complete metamorphosis. The larvae are known as Caterpillars, which are feeding machines that munch their way through vast quantities of leaves. Eventually, the caterpillars stop eating and build a cocoon around their bodies. Inside the caterpillar changes into the adult butterfly or moth which then breaks out of the cocoon and flies away.

Bees are typical flying insects with two pairs of wings and large compound eyes. Many live in large colonies, though some prefer a solitary existence. The bees feed on the pollen and nectar of plants. Honeybees are very important as a source of honey. People raise colonies of honeybees to collect the honey. This is known as apiculture (beekeeping) and has been practiced since the time of the ancient Egyptians.

Ants are social insects that live in large colonies throughout the world. In most colonies, a huge army of worker ants serve are breeding female, called the queen. The workers build and defend the nests and find food for the larvae. If we talk about termites then they also live in large colonies and often build huge mounds that tower over the landscape. These nests protect the termites from predators such as lizards. Termites often munch their way through valuable crops, so they are considered as pests in many countries.

3. Images are taken from Zoo-Que and Google.

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