Our Vision

Good Morning Readers,
We are happy to write these words. Hope you all are very well. Today we live in modern era of machines and advanced technologies which are increasing day by day. That is very good for the growth of our human civilisation. As we knew, some 5000 years ago people of Indian subcontinent used bronze to create tools and eventually established an Urban Civilisation at that ancient time, known as The Great Indus Valley Civilisation. And now we live in 21st century, trying to reach at another higher level of urbanisation. This is very good and essential.
But, when we talk about the ways and methods of achieving future urbanisation, we generally see a negative picture of humans. We found human as an evil demon for nature in this modern era who was previously lived under the mercy of Nature. Our vision from this blog is to generate a basic awareness about the nature in human being, as so they start caring of their own nature at individual level which definitely resulted towards SAVING of EARTH.

Also See

Don`t Kill Creatures of Nature, You have No Right to Do That
Being Vegetarian, Love Creature of Nature
Live and Give Space for another Life
Save Nature Love Nature


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