

Deer are plant eating mammals, they are found in many different habitats all around the world. Most species prefer to hide away in the dense vegetation of forests and woodlands, but some roam the Arctic tundra and windswept grasslands of Asia and the Americas. They include around 40 species of hoofed mammals. They come in many different shapes and sizes, but most have a barrel shaped body, long neck, large eyes on the sides of the head and pointed ears, all adaptations to help spot the many predators that hunt these animals. The fur of these animals is often brown and dappled or spotted, which acts as camouflage.

Deer are part of the larger group of even toed ungulates (hoofed mammals), two toes support their weight. A scent gland between the toes leaves a trail on the ground as a marker for other deer to follow. Other even- toed ungulates include camels, hippos and wild pigs, but the deer`s closet relations are the antelopes and wild cattle. These mammals are called ruminants, which mean they have an unusual habit of chewing the cud. They regurgitate plant food, chewing the tough fibres several times before digesting them in their many- chambered stomachs. There are three main families of deer, which are:-
1. Cervidae family,
2. Moschidae family, and
3. Tragulidae family.

A deer chooses to lead a solitary lifestyle or live in a group largely depends on the availability of food. Deer have a long association with people. People have domesticated certain deer species. In the past, people tamed large deer, such as the moose, as a beast of burden. The sami people still herd reindeer across the frozen landscape of Northern Europe. Deer farming is popular in China and several species are thriving, including the red deer and sika deer. While deer farming preserves the population of deer, it is generally bad for wild animals since the farmed animals spread disease and can decimate wild populations.

In the wild, deer face the usual threats of habitat destruction and overhunting. Many species are big game animals, although hunting is now seasonal in most countries. The red deer and roe deer are highly prized trophies in Europe, while the white- tailed deer and mule deer are important game animals in North America.

3. Images are taken from Zoo-Que and Google.

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