Snake Venom

Snake Venom

The poison which is secreted by the poison glands in poisonous snakes is called venom and is injected into the body of the victim by means of fangs, which act as sharp needles. It is a clear straw-coloured or greenish liquid containing a complex mixture of powerful enzymes. Even dried venom keeps its poisonous properties for an indefinite period and can be readily dissolved in water. Though most poisons have no taste, the cobra-poison is reported to taste much bitter. On the basis of the action in the body of the victim there are two main types of venoms which are as follows:
1. Haemotoxin: This causes tissue destruction, internal haemorrhage and local swelling. Blood vessels and blood cells are also destroyed by it. This type of venom is found in vipers and kraits.

2. Neurotoxin: It affects various nerve tissues and nerve centres. It causes paralysis of muscles which control respiratory movements and the victim may die of asphyxia or suffocation. Clotting power of blood is reduced and so there is profuse bleeding. It also produces low blood pressure and heart failure.

It also destroys the endothelium of blood capillaries and blood cells. It is found in cobras, coral snakes and some vipers. Cobra`a poison is more virulent than that of vipers, and causes asphyxia and profuse bleeding. The degree of virulence of snake venom may differ in the same snake under different conditions and it of course varies in different types of snakes. To kill the victim it is necessary that the lethal dose be injected. The victim may recover if timely treatment is undertaken. The antivenom serum or antivenin is the blood serum of horses which have been immunized against snake venom. Different antivenins are used for different snake- bites. Snake venom is used in the preparation of some medicines.

3. Images are taken from Zoo-Que and Google.

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